Discover the dramatic splendor of the Flaming Parrot Tulip, a captivating sport of the Red Parrot variety that stands out with its extraordinary size, almost twice that of its counterparts. This tulip variety is a visual feast, boasting vibrant buttercup-yellow petals flamboyantly flamed in brilliant red, with a striking yellow base that adds depth and complexity to its appearance. The Flaming Parrot is not just a flower; it's a statement piece, a bold and beautiful expression of nature's artistry that is sure to be the centerpiece of any garden.
Renowned for its unparalleled beauty, the Flaming Parrot Tulip is acclaimed as the most widely used tulip in cut-flower arrangements. Its unique coloration and striking form make it a favorite among florists and flower enthusiasts, perfect for creating breathtaking bouquets that capture the imagination. Whether showcased in your garden or displayed in a vase, the Flaming Parrot Tulip is a symbol of elegance and creativity, offering an awe-inspiring display that celebrates the beauty and diversity of the tulip family. Plant these bulbs and watch as they transform your space into a vibrant canvas of color and flair, a true testament to the wonders of the floral world.